Vinnie – A Friend to All
Like so many others, Vinnie’s family are marvelled at the progress he has made since joining Interchange Australia’s day options program.
Vinnie attends the full array of Interchange Australia’s Day Options programs and is loving every moment learning with such wonderful enthusiasm!
“Be My Best” is one of Vinnie’s favourite programs and covers educational topics designed to equip participants with skills to help them grow as an individual. Some of the topics include appropriate behaviour with friends, stranger danger, staying safe on the internet, manners, word building and conversation development skills, as well as setting boundaries for ourselves and others to feel safe.
Here is what others have to say about Vinnie’s progress made since commencing “Be My Best”;
“He initiates conversation so much these days that we sometimes look for an “off button” … It is Awesome to see him so happy!” ~ Marilyn, Vinnie’s mother.
“Vinnie has gained confidence with staff around him as evident from increased word use, which we have seen extend himself from saying “Good Morning” to “Good morning staff member’s name, how are you?” and lots of conversations with his peers, laughs and jokes.” ~ Interchange Australia Support Worker
Mateship and building connections with others is part of Interchange Australia’s core values, and it really means a lot to Vinnie. It is very clear how his peers feel about him too. Vinnie is quick to put his peers at ease if they are feeling down, he has become a great mentor for many of his newer peers by making them feel welcome, joking around and having a laugh, which is not only entertaining but extremely helpful for making others feel comfortable. – “and really, who doesn’t enjoy a laugh”? Vinnie really is a friend to all!
Throughout the programs it also became evident that Vinnie has quite a creative flair and really excels in Interchange Australia’s creative creations art class where he is able to use art as a form of self-expression. Vinnie even had some of his art work on display at the Wingecarribee Council art exhibition last December. Images from this exhibition can be viewed on the Interchange Facebook page and website.
“Vinnie is quick to put his peers at ease if they are feeling down, he has become a great mentor for many of his newer peers by making them feel welcome…”
At Interchange Australia, our programs are tailored to assist every participant with personal growth by focusing on goals, building on their skill sets, improving their independence and discovering their talents.
Vinnie loves attending his day programs at Narellan. His comfort level with carers and his peers is demonstrated through his increased confidence, happiness and ever improving self-sufficiency.
~ Marilyn – Vinnie’s mother.
On behalf of everyone at Interchange Australia, we would like to congratulate Vinnie on all his achievements to date and wish him every success in kicking many more goals in the future!
Interchange Australia is here to help you shine! We tailor and implement our education and care programs to suit individual needs…Why not give it a go?
If you would like to know more about the wonderful and exciting opportunities available through Interchange Australia’s Day Options program please contact Jane on 02 4868 6688 or email us at